I'm Emily (she/her), a Michigan-based nature writer and journalist covering a variety of topics, including outdoor recreation, conservation and regional travel.

I am also a savvy editor, content creator and media consultant who has worked with a broad base of clients ranging from niche to national publications as well as small-business owners and nonprofits.

My current work is largely informed by my curiosity about place and the natural world, and how we can be better stewards starting by simply paying closer attention. I aim to guide readers to a deeper awareness and appreciation for the landscapes around us (and by extension, within ourselves), and by doing so, create positive change.

Worth noting: In September 2015, I gained international attention for a viral Facebook post, which found me on the opposite side of the interview mic for the first time: with Good Morning America, BBC World News Service, Today.com, Good Morning Britain, Buzzfeed, and many other media outlets. 

I currently write full time for MLive News, where I cover outdoor recreation, travel, nature and the night sky. It's a joy to explore my home state and share my love of this place with readers here and elsewhere.

When I’m not clacking away on a keyboard, I’m almost always outside: usually gardening, birding, biking, swimming, and going on many daily walks with my elder-pup and husband. I’m passionate about learning, I’m curious about everything, and I find endless inspiration at the intersection of loving Mother Nature and living a connected, expansive, spirit-filled life.

I live with one foot in southeast Michigan and the other foot in Northwest Lower Michigan, home of the Anishinaabe, the original stewards of this land.

You can find me on Facebook (click the "follow" button on my personal page) and on Instagram at @emilyisoutside. If you'd like to get in touch, feel free to message me via a DM on social media or drop me a line on my contact page